Ahmad Izral Syafiq -___-
I'm here at Perlis right now. Kangar and Arau. My brother study at UiTM perlis. There he is. Right next to me. See? That annoying guy sat next to me. Ergh, haha. By the way, I'm going back to KL tomorrow. And I can't wait to meet my friends this monday. I can't wait to meet my soleha. I miss her so much. Hope to see you my korean twin. Kedah? Argh, sumpah tk suka. Haha honestly weh. Aku tk suka. Mcam bndar yg pnoh dgn cina. Sakit hati kott -___- Bising gila nk mampos. Nk tido pon sush. Nk je aku cursed kedah ni :p Heee NO OFFENSE. I have fun hanging out with my family though. Thanks daddy :D ♥