

Oh blogger. Dah berabad aku tinggalkan kau! Rindu. *okay tipu* Yang part rindu tu tak. Seriously, memang rindu. Tapi, nak buat macam mana kan internet pon limit. Masa aku pon sekarang pack. Aku penat. Can I take a break for one year? Can I? Can I? I'm tired of everything that happened to me. I'm not a storng person. Ya Allah :/

Yes, orang boleh lah cakap "chill lah aina, chill". Tapi, bukan senang nak chill. Every minute, second I'll think of it. It haunted me all the time. I can't do anything. Masalah tu datang macam durian runtuh. Satu, satu. I already try to ignore it, but I can't. It's too hard for me. I know, cakap dekat blog ni pon no one view it. People will say yang dia ni mencapub lah apa lah. Cuba fikir, INI BLOG KAU PUNYA KE? -.- It's up to me lah, I can do anything that I want. Tapi, I don't mind. I believe that behind what have happened, ada hikmahnya. Teruskan berdoa.

Allah will always be by our side.